ゆったりとした時間の中で。 Handmade SOBA
In a relaxed atmosphere.


We opened Teuchisoba Mako as a specialty handmade soba (buckwheat noodle) restaurant here in Ishii-cho on July 26, 2019.

After realizing the allure of handmade soba noodles, the owner decided to study how to make them at local soba shops and then came to own this restaurant, Teuchisoba Mako.

The "Mako" portion of the name of the restaurant is taken from a nickname for the owner "Makoto", and is how he was called by someone who was the closest person to him. It was chosen for the restaurant so that all could feel familiar with him and the shop. (The "Teuchi" portion of the name means "handmade" or "hand rolled".)

The owner of the restaurant is very particular about the buckwheat (which comes from Horokanai in Hokkaido) and other ingredients used for the noodles as well as the process in making them. Please take your time to enjoy the handmade soba noodles here in this natural setting.



The buckwheat used in our soba noodles is a blend of two varieties, "Horominori" and "Kitawase" from Horokanai in Hokkaido.
Once the buckwheat is delivered to Teuchisoba Mako, we remove any stones that may have been included in the shipment, polish the grains and then remove the husk. After that, the buckwheat is milled into buckwheat flour on a millstone. And then every morning fresh made soba noodles are prepared here in the restaurant.


Standard soba (fine ground) noodles are prepared by gradually milling buckwheat on a millstone after it has been husked. That allows for a fine-grain flour which can be made into noodles with a wonderfully smooth texture.
Coarse ground soba noodles are made from a flour in which the husk has been left on when being milled on a grindstone.  A coarse grind can be achieved by pouring a large amount of buckwheat into the millstone.


At Teuchisoba Mako we make the dipping sauce for cold soba noodles in a different process than that in making the broth for hot soba noodles.
The broth is specially blended with a homemade basic sauce base both for the dipping sauce and the broth at Teuchisoba Mako to be a perfect match for our soba noodles


All information from our restaurant "Hand-made Soba Mako" will be posted on the SNS at any time.Please feel free to follow us.